They confront all of us every day.
Should we or shouldn’t we?
What are the options?
I’ve never counted how many I make every day
From the trivial to the significant
From conscious to unconscious – probably hundreds.
And all the things we have to consider – particularly when the outcome is of import.
Risk and reward – emotion vs logic – glass half full vs glass half empty
Optimism vs pessimism – procrastination.
If only we knew the right choice
If there was no downside – no risk
If we could just get a clue
Some insight.
In a complex world – becoming more complex, with a rate of change which is exponential, right today – could be wrong tomorrow.
The reality is that the moment we enter the future –to search for certainty – we are going to be subject to varying degrees of error.
Certainty based on future predictions is a myth.
So give up – or give in
Close the door and walk away – just pretend the matter doesn’t exist.
Unless it’s just too big – too important – and demands a decision.
Or if it could be a good opportunity – enter a new factor – fear of loss.
So what to do?
Ask your friends?
Ask your colleagues?
Get some outside perspective.
Problem is – they don’t know any more than you.
Is there a solution? A HELP Button?.
Something which will give us insight.
Something which allows us to evaluate options.
To do “what –if” analysis
To look at different scenarios
Something flexible.
Something to identify key risks
Yes – there is!
It may not be perfect, but “in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”…….. so the saying goes.
Financial models – effective, well researched, flexible, logical, sequential and structured in a corporate world are the equivalent of the one-eyed man.
It’s your choice – stumble around in the dark, or introduce some light.
Colin Human